Inward Focus of the Law (Matt 5.19)

In today's world, we are constantly bombarded by laws and regulations that govern every aspect of our lives. From traffic laws to workplace policies, rules are everywhere. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard, as reflected in Matthew 5:19, where Jesus says "whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." This verse reminds us that our focus must not be merely on the external compliance of the law, but rather its inward application. In this sermon, we will delve into the importance of having an inward focus of the law and explore three key themes that will help us to understand why this is crucial in our spiritual growth. 

1. the heart of the matter

The law is not just about following external rules, but it's about the condition of our hearts. Jesus teaches us that it's not just the actions we do, but the thoughts and intentions behind them that matter. When we focus inwardly on the law, we seek to cultivate a heart that is aligned with God's will. The heart of the matter refers to the innermost aspect of an issue, and in this case, the innermost aspect of the law. When we focus inwardly on the law, we are not simply concerned with following external rules and regulations. Instead, we seek to cultivate a heart that is aligned with God's will. This means that our focus is on the inner transformation that the law brings, rather than just the outward expression of obedience.  

For example, let's consider the commandment to not steal. If our focus is solely on the external expression of this commandment, we would simply avoid taking things that do not belong to us. However, if we focus inwardly on this commandment, we seek to cultivate a heart of honesty and integrity. This means that we go beyond just avoiding theft and seek to live our lives in a way that is truthful and transparent, even when no one is watching. In this way, we are allowing the law to transform us from the inside out, rather than just following external rules.  

In summary, the heart of the matter is about the inner transformation that the law brings. When we focus inwardly on the law, we seek to cultivate a heart that is aligned with God's will, rather than just following external rules and regulations.

2. The Purpose of the Law

When we focus inwardly on the law, we see it not just as a set of external rules to follow, but as a tool to help us grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with God. The law serves as a guide for how we should live our lives as followers of Christ, and when we focus on the inner transformation that the law brings, it becomes a means for spiritual growth.

For example, let's consider the commandment to love your neighbor as yourself. When we focus inwardly on this commandment, we see it as an opportunity to grow in our love for others and deepen our relationship with God. This means that we go beyond just being kind to others and seek to love them as Christ loves us. In this way, the law becomes a tool to help us grow in our faith, as we are not just following external rules, but are allowing the law to shape our hearts and attitudes towards others.

In summary, when we focus inwardly on the law, we see it as a tool to help us grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with God. By focusing on the inner transformation that the law brings, we are not just following external rules, but are allowing the law to shape our hearts and attitudes towards others, thereby allowing us to grow in our faith.

3. The Power of the Spirit

The third subject, "The Power of the Spirit", focuses on the role of the Holy Spirit in our inward focus of the law. When we focus inwardly on the law, we allow the Spirit to transform us from the inside out, giving us the power to fulfill the law in a way that goes beyond just following external rules.

The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to God. This means that when we focus on the inner transformation that the law brings, we are not relying on our own strength to fulfill the law, but rather relying on the power of the Spirit. The Spirit gives us the ability to love God and others in a way that goes beyond just following external rules.

For example, let's consider the commandment to love your enemies. When we focus inwardly on this commandment, we allow the Spirit to transform our hearts, giving us the power to love those who have wronged us. This means that we go beyond just avoiding conflict and seek to love and forgive those who have hurt us. In this way, the Spirit gives us the power to fulfill the law in a way that goes beyond just following external rules.

In summary, the third subject, "The Power of the Spirit", focuses on the role of the Holy Spirit in our inward focus of the law. When we focus inwardly on the law, we allow the Spirit to transform us from the inside out, giving us the power to fulfill the law in a way that goes beyond just following external rules. The Spirit empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to God, giving us the ability to love God and others in a way that goes beyond just following external rules.

In conclusion, the inward focus of the law is a transformative and powerful way to deepen our relationship with God and grow in our faith. By focusing on the heart of the matter, we allow the law to shape our hearts and attitudes towards others, bringing us closer to God and to one another. And with the power of the Spirit, we are empowered to fulfill the law in a way that goes beyond just following external rules, living a life that is truly pleasing to God.

As we reflect on the teachings of Matthew 5:19, let us open our hearts to the transformative power of the law and allow the Spirit to guide us in our journey of faith. May we cultivate a heart that is aligned with God's will, and may we be filled with the power of the Spirit to love God and others in a way that goes beyond just following external rules.

So let us strive to focus inwardly on the law, knowing that as we do, we will be transformed from the inside out, growing in our faith and deepening our relationship with God. May we be inspired and moved by the transformative power of the inward focus of the law, and may God be glorified in all that we do.

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