2월, 2023의 게시물 표시

Embracing the Heart of Jesus: The True Essence of Prayer and Christian Life

  "To all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12). To receive means to embrace Jesus Christ into one's heart. Then, what does it mean to embrace Jesus Christ into one's heart? It means that if one's heart, thoughts, obstinacy, and aspirations were the focal point until now, they will now concentrate on the heart and thoughts of Jesus. As Paul proclaimed, 'I no longer live, but Jesus Christ lives in me'. Similarly, one's obstinacy, desires no longer hold sway. Paul claimed that he once counted all his boastings as refuse. Now, God's hope and vision take precedence. Now it is a life of striving to grasp those who have been ensnared by Christ Jesus. Many Christians would likely concur with this point, even if they do not live accordingly. However, what many Christians mistakenly view as prayer is, in fact, not so. Prayer is a means of approaching God, and simultaneously embracing Go...

The Source of True Happiness

With wealth or without, which is the happier lot? Convenience comes, it is true, with what we've got. But want and woe are also found, it's clear, Without the means that most of us hold dear. For riches oft bring care and endless strife, While those with less enjoy a simpler life. The world its false allurements does unfold, And things we own, it says, will bring us joy untold. But happiness is not in things that we possess, It dwells within, a wellspring of success. Our state of mind, it is the key, indeed, To find the path that leads to heaven or to hell, we'll see. And friend and guide, they also bring a smile, If with the Lord we walk life's road the extra mile. His heart, it holds the joy that we desire, And in His presence, peace and happiness we'll acquire. < After writing in Korean, I asked Chatgpt to write English poems based on the text. > 수입이 있을 때와 없을 때  어느 쪽이 행복할까? 수입이 있으면 편하고 수입이 없으면 불편하다.  그것은 행복을 나누는 기준점이 되지 못한다.  돈이 많아도 불행한 사람이 있고 돈이 없어도 행복한 사람...

Religious Vanity

People praise religious acts with fervor and might, Prayer, Bible reading, serving in the church in sight. But this pursuit of recognition can lead to spiritual vanity, A common ailment among pastors, a source of great deceit. A person of weak faith walks in humble guise, Aware of their weaknesses, they listen with open eyes. But some pastors, deaf to critique, hearts of iron cold, Introspection limited, emotions yet untold. Andrew Murray warned us,  "There is no pride as dangerous, subtle, and cunning as the pride of holiness."  The pride of holiness, a subtle and cunning friend, Let us not strive to resemble, let our hearts bend. < This is an English poem I made by asking Chatgpt to write in Korean. This is the original text written in Korean.> 사람들은 종교적 행위를 칭찬합니다.  기도를 열심히 하고,  성경을 열심히 읽고,  교회에서 열심히 봉사하는 사람은 자주 칭찬을 받습니다.  그러다 보면 영적 허영심에 빠지게 됩니다.  더 잘 보이고 싶고 더 인정받고 싶고 더 칭찬받고 싶어합니다.  목회자가 제일 많이 걸리는 병입니다.  믿음이 약한 사람은 자신이 영적이지 않다는 사실을 잘 알...

Three Views of Joseph and Potiphar's Wife

 The story of Potiphar's wife, as told in the book of Genesis in the Bible, has been interpreted in many different ways over the centuries. From a religious perspective, the story is often seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of temptation and the importance of resisting it, as well as a testament to Joseph's faithfulness and integrity. From a feminist perspective, the story can be seen as an illustration of the ways in which patriarchal structures have oppressed and marginalized women throughout history, and as a reminder of the importance of challenging these structures and working towards a more equitable and just society. When viewed as a historical document, the story provides valuable insights into the cultural and religious context of ancient Israel and the beliefs and values of the ancient Israelites. Religious Interpretation From a religious perspective, the story of Potiphar's wife is often seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of temptation and the i...

Paul's Great Ambition (Phil. 3,10~11)

Good morning everyone. Today, I want to talk to you about a topic that is close to all of our hearts: our hopes, dreams, and ambitions. We all have things that we hope to achieve in life, whether it's a comfortable home, a happy family, or a healthy body. And in today's Bible passage, we get to see the hopes, dreams, and ambitions of a remarkable man named Paul. Through this sermon, I hope we can reflect on our own goals and aspirations by comparing them to Paul's. So let's dive in and see what we can learn from Paul's great ambition In today's passage, Paul says, 'I want to know Christ' (Philippians 3:10). When Paul speaks of wanting to know Christ, he's not talking about just acquiring general knowledge or information. Paul had a life-changing encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, and from that moment on, he walked with Jesus. This experience changed the way he viewed the Bible. Instead of interpreting it through the lens of traditional Jew...

The Miracle of Forgiveness (Gen 50,20)

The theme of today's sermon is "The Miracle of Forgiveness." Forgiveness has the power to completely transform our lives, but not many of us take advantage of it. It's an incredible tool that helps us experience God's grace to the fullest. By forgiving others, we can mend broken relationships, find peace within ourselves, and become better individuals. Today, we'll look at the examples of Joseph and Nelson Mandela to see how forgiveness can shape our lives, help us grow, and impact the world around us. We all understand the negative effects of carrying anger, resentment, and hatred within us. But, it can be difficult to let go of these negative emotions and practice forgiveness when we've been hurt. Unforgiveness can destroy relationships, deepen our emotional wounds, and make us feel increasingly isolated. If anyone here is struggling with unforgiveness, we hope that the stories of Joseph and Nelson Mandela that we'll share today will bring comfort, h...

Inward Focus of the Law (Matt 5.19)

In today's world, we are constantly bombarded by laws and regulations that govern every aspect of our lives. From traffic laws to workplace policies, rules are everywhere. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard, as reflected in Matthew 5:19, where Jesus says "whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven." This verse reminds us that our focus must not be merely on the external compliance of the law, but rather its inward application. In this sermon, we will delve into the importance of having an inward focus of the law and explore three key themes that will help us to understand why this is crucial in our spiritual growth.  1. the heart of the matter The law is not just about following external rules, but it's about the condition of our hearts. Jesus teaches us that it's not just the actions we do, but the thoughts and intentions behind them that ma...